Facts supporting the truth of the Book of Mormon

Month: August 2009 Page 1 of 2

Joseph Smith becoming “the seer stone”

Michael De Groote, “Joseph Smith becoming the seer stone” Deseret News, Aug. 30, 2009

Joseph Smith small

Richard Neitzel Holzapfel was amazed at how often Joseph Smith was identified as “the Seer” in John Whitmer’s record of the early history of the LDS Church. Whitmer wrote the record from 1831 to 1838. Holzapfel read the book to prepare for a class he was teaching at BYU’s Campus Education Week.

“Dozens and dozens of times as (Whitmer) was writing out this faithful history  — commanded (to be kept) by the Lord Jesus himself — he would say, ‘Joseph the Seer said,’ or ‘the revelation was given to Joseph the Seer,'” Holzapfel said. “It struck me that the early church members knew Joseph in a way in which, maybe, we don’t appreciate.”

Holzapfel, a professor of church history and doctrine at BYU, told the class at Education Week why Joseph was known as “the Seer” and why his use of a seer stone to receive revelations eventually ended.

“Joseph Smith’s story didn’t start in the Sacred Grove,” Holzapfel said. Joseph was identified as a seer long before he was born. The ancient Biblical patriarch, Joseph, prophesied, “A seer shall the Lord my God raise up, who shall be a choice seer unto the fruit of my loins” (2 Nephi 3:6).

“Imagine. What must it have been like for Joseph to translate this very passage and all-of-a-sudden dawn on him the he’s the choice seer?” Holzapfel said.

According to Holzapfel, the Book of Mormon teaches that a seer is someone who uses the seer stones (see Mosiah 8:13). The terms “seer stones” and “Urim and Thummim” were used interchangeably in early Mormon documents.

In the Old Testament, the Urim and Thummim were stones used for divining the will of God. Holzapfel indicated that these were the translators given to Joseph with the gold plates. Joseph also found another stone that became his seer stone.

When a historical record says that a revelation was given through the Urim and Thummim, Holzapfel said we can’t be sure if it was the Urim and Thummin Book of Mormon “translators” or the Prophet’s seer stone.

Richard Neitzel Holzapfel speaks at BYU education week. Photo by Michael De Groote

“The use of the seer stone constitutes you becoming a seer. But the purpose of the seer stone is to make you a seer,” Holzapfel said. “The instruments are not magic. They help us concentrate our faith so that we begin to receive confidence so that we can do the right thing.”

Holzapfel compared it loosely to a wedding ring or a CTR ring. The rings help some people remember their covenants or “choose the right.” But the rings do not help everybody. Some choose the wrong. There is nothing magic about the rings. “But those objects can be means to recall and remember and have faith,” he said. “But obviously the real purpose is to move beyond those objects to become that person that (doesn’t need the objects).”

This is what happened to Joseph.

Orson Pratt remembered watching Joseph Smith receive inspiration while reviewing the New Testament. He wondered why Joseph didn’t need the Urim and Thummin or seer stone like he did when he translated the Book of Mormon. “Joseph … looked up and explained that the Lord gave him the Urim and Thummim when he was inexperienced in the Spirit of inspiration,” Pratt said. “But now he had advanced so far that he understood the operations of that Spirit and did not need the assistance of that instrument.”

Joseph at first used the Urim and Thummim and/or the seer stone for translating the Book of Mormon. Holzapfel said that by the end of the Book of Mormon translation process, Joseph was no longer even using the plates in front of him. He was receiving the translation from the seer stone directly. It wasn’t much longer before Joseph did not even need the seer stone to receive revelation.

Joseph Smith was taught by the Lord and grew in spiritual maturity. This is why, according to Holzapfel, Joseph was called the choice seer. “He wasn’t a person who used the seer stone. He became a seer stone.”

Surrender in order to Conquer

H. Wallace Goddard, “Surrender in order to Conquer” Meridian Magazine

H Wallace Goddard

H. Wallace Goddard is a son, a husband, a dad, and a grandpa. He works as a Family Life Specialist for the University of Arkansas Extension Service in Little Rock and has written several books and programs including The Frightful and Joyous Journey of Family Life (Bookcraft) and Principles of Parenting (Alabama Cooperative Extension System). He claims to be living proof that a person who makes lots of mistakes can still be blessed with joy beyond any deserving.

Surrender in Order to Conquer

Life is filled with paradoxes. For example, the last will be first. The humble will be exalted. Our natural ways make us enemies to our Creator. We must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves. By submitting we become strong. The servant of all will become the Master of all. By giving we receive. We must die in order to live eternally.

There is a contradiction that has been of particular interest to me lately. We are repeatedly enjoined to become “as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father” (Mosiah 3:19, c.f. Alma 7:23, Alma 13:28).

Further, the Master of all Creation was also its most submissive citizen. “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise” (John 5:19, also John 5:30, 8:28).

In contrast to the commandment to submit, is the commandment to “be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness. For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves” (D&C 58:27-8). How do we reconcile total submission to God with “being agents unto themselves”?

Submission does not come easily for me. I have considered it cause for rejoicing as I have learned to submit my rather independent will to God in some areas of my life. So, sitting in a high council meeting feeling as misplaced as a smoldering cigarette at a bishopric meeting, I have been tempted to resign my post. But I know in my soul that that is not how we do business in the kingdom. “In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter?day Saints, one takes the place to which one is duly called, which place one neither seeks nor declines” (J. Reuben Clark).

I see clearly that I neither call myself nor release myself. God offers no guarantees that we will enjoy each minute of our callings. He does not even guarantee that all our callings will perfectly utilize our gifts and preferences. After all, He is more committed to our growth than He is in need of our contribution. So He directs our lives according to His absolute resolve to enlarge us and perfect us.

So I continue to serve on the high council. As I serve, God shows me ways to be useful. I offer my gifts and perspectives to the council. I gladly testify of Divine Goodness in the units of the Little Rock Stake. I try to enjoy meetings. But you can be sure that I will rejoice if I ever get to teach Gospel Essentials again!

Submission vs. Proactivity

I have wondered if one way to reconcile submission with proactivity is to suggest that we submit our purposes entirely to God while using our agency to determine the processes for bringing about His perfect purposes. In other words, He determines the ends and we choose the means.

Nephi may be an example of that principle. He did not know how God would hook him and his brothers up with the brass plates. For the first attempt, Laman went and reasoned with Laban. He was chased off. Then the little band offered the family wealth in exchange for the plates. Laban took the wealth and dispatched the brothers. Even after two failures, Nephi was not deterred. He still did not know God’s plan for getting the records but he was determined to keep trying. He snuck into town at night for the third attempt. He “was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which [he] should do” (1 Nephi 4:6). It must take a lot of faith to head back into town without a plan. Nephi pushed forward. God put Laban in his hands.

While Nephi used every stratagem that came to his mind, ultimately it was God who delivered Laban into his hands. Maybe that is true for us also. We qualify for God’s blessings as we put our creativity and style in the service of God’s work.

Another interesting example is the brother of Jared whom the Lord instructed to build a barge that would transport his people to the new world. The Lord gave very clear instructions about the general objective. He even gave specific instructions on certain subjects—such as general design of the barges and their ventilation—where our shipbuilder could not succeed without expert help. But God allowed the brother of Jared to make recommendation for lighting the craft: “What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?” (Ether 2:23) asked the Lord.

Aligned With God’s Will

With both Nephi and the brother of Jared, God gave clear purposes and some specific processes, but allowed His servant to find some methods. “And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward” (D&C 58:28, emphasis added). If our purposes are aligned with God’s will, i.e., if we are determined to “do good,” He grants us freedom to find a method.

Would God have allowed the brother of Jared to use glow-in-the-dark pomegranates or a burning bush? Perhaps. Maybe God inspired the choice of 16 clear stones for symbolic purposes. It appears in the record that it was purely the brother of Jared’s choice.

It seems that when we have no desire but to do God’s will, we are sometimes granted freedom to find the means for accomplishing His purposes. It is intriguing to imagine what elements of Jesus’ remarkable ministry represent the unique style of His sweet soul. Even though He followed His Father’s example perfectly, His choice of which acts to emulate must somehow represent the great goodness of His inestimable Character!

So, when we prove our devotion to God’s purpose, He grants us more freedom to choose the means to accomplish those purposes. There is another way of looking at this. Maybe it is a matter of spiritual maturity. As we demonstrate our commitment to His purposes, He delegates more and more of His responsibility and power to us. Can you imagine The Creator of Heaven and Earth saying to us, “I would like you to take charge of this part of my vineyard.”?!

That is what He does when he gives a deacon the power to pass the sacrament or a woman stewardship over a newborn or a bishop responsibility for a ward. But there is a feeling that comes as one starts to feel the power. I thought I saw that great power when I heard President Biliter, a beloved counselor in our stake presidency, tell about the joy he experiences any time he has an opportunity to give a blessing. “The thrill is being able to be a part of the miracle—even if only in the capacity of messenger. We get to intercede in behalf of a brother or sister and call down the blessings of heaven. That is the miracle of the priesthood process. I am in awe that Heavenly Father allows us to be instruments in that process.” Giving blessings in the name of the Lord provides a unique opportunity for partnership with God. Perhaps we provide the style and God directs the substance.


Somehow this all connects to the principle of consecration. When we turn everything we have over to the kingdom, the Kingdom becomes ours. As we turn our lives over to Him, He turns His power over to us! What wonderful examples of heavenly generosity!

I must admit that I still do not have a tidy answer for reconciling total submission to God with being agents unto ourselves. But I know that when I have no desire but to do His will, He opens the way for me to be uniquely myself and yet uniquely His. May we surrender all that we have and all that we are to God and thereby “inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths” (D&C 132:19).

Callings in the Church

“In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one takes the place to which one is duly called, which place one neither seeks nor declines”

J. Reuben Clark

Death – by President Gordon B. Hinckley

“What a wonderful thing is death, really, when all is said and done.  It is the great reliever.  It is a majestic, quiet passing on from this life to another life, a better life.  We go to a place where we will not suffer as we have suffered here, but there will continue to grow, accumulating knowledge and developing and being useful under the plan of the Almighty made possible through the atonement of the Son of God.”

Gordon B. Hinckley

Stephanie Smith, Top CIA Exec is New Convert, Tells Story

James T. Summerhays, “Top CIA Exec is New Convert, Tells Story”, Meridian Magazine

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith received an MPA at Harvard University and worked her way up in the CIA to become Director of Support, managing the largest directorate in the organization. For 25 years she was at the highest level of the senior executive cadre managing intelligence, public diplomacy and defense —but for Stephanie, something was missing.

Before Conversion (BC)
So let’s go back in time a bit – to the period I’ll call  “BC” – Before conversion.  Let me begin with a clear view of my “before” picture.  I had been raised by tremendous, faithful Catholic parents who scrimped and saved to send me to a Catholic school.  I believed in God, in Jesus Christ, and in the Catholic notion of the trinity.  I understood the Ten Commandments.  I knew very clearly what sin was.

I went to mass every Sunday. That was a 45-minute ritual for me.  It was part of my routine, like going to the gym, except it took less time and required nothing of me but attendance.  I never read the scriptures independently; I never volunteered for my church; I never fully tithed; and in fact, I didn’t know the names of more than 2 parishioners at St. Michael’s in Annandale, where I went to church for 20 years.  And I only knew those names because I worked with them.

Given this remarkably weak spiritual foundation, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that in my adult years, I transgressed very far from the commandments of my Heavenly Father.

Now if you looked at my adult years from a secular perspective – sort of like looking at my resume – you might be impressed.  But you should not be fooled.

To be sure, I’ve achieved a fair measure of secular success, but with it came a very coarse way of life.  I was a very hard-driving person, I believed in achieving my goals at all costs.  And I did what it took to get there first:  if it meant working 7 days a week, up to 18 hours a day, I did so. If it meant immersing myself in professional ambitions at the expense of my husband, I did so. If it meant adopting the language of a blasphemer, I did so.  If it meant trampling on the feelings of others, I did so. If it meant breaking promises, I often did so. If it meant engaging in gossip, plotting, and office politics I did that too.

And the results were actually pretty astounding:  I was often the “first” woman in my field to achieve something; I was promoted at a speed that astounded even me.  And in the process, I came to live by a standard that is really pretty troubling  when I look back on it and see it clearly now:  Get there first, and clean up your road-kill later.

Along the way, I committed sins of pride, arrogance, ego, envy, greed, and great, great vanity. I took up the worst ways of the world. To make matters worse, I rationalized my sins.  I reasoned that some of what I did really wasn’t a sin, because others did it too. Or it wasn’t a sin because I faced unique pressures and temptations.

Brothers and sisters, among Satan’s arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, I can tell you that rationalization is the most powerful.

Every once in a while, I told myself I would change and do better. But always that improvement was put on the back-burner until the next career goal was achieved.

My disturbing logic might well remind you of the passage in Alma, Chapter 5, verse 37:

O ye workers of iniquity; ye that are puffed up in the vain things of the world, ye that have professed to have known the ways of righteousness nevertheless have gone astray, as sheep having no shepherd, notwithstanding a shepherd hath called after you and is still calling after you, but ye will not hearken unto his voice!

Let me assure you that if you had observed me during a typical work day, you would never have been able to tell I was a Christian.  By 2005, riding a wave of success that was built on compromised values and sheer exhaustion, I’m not sure I recognized myself as a Christian, either.

In that year, I began the pinnacle job of my career at CIA, as Director for Support.   I was the first woman to hold that job.  It was the biggest leadership job of my life.  I had the best office at CIA Hqs, with all due respect to Director Panetta.  And I worked very, very hard.

Yet even as I was enjoying tremendous secular success, my world was starting to crack.  Within 2 months of taking that job, I landed in the hospital for 4 days with a nasty gastric problem and severe exhaustion, after working nearly 20 hours a day for far too many days in a row.  But things got worse from there.

By the spring of 2006, CIA was embroiled in the usual stew of lurid headlines, and I found myself for the first time ever near the center of that storm – as two of my esteemed colleagues – men of enormous worldly achievement – fell into personal crises that resulted in their firings, a huge amount of media glare, and the beginning of a three-year criminal investigation that would require me to serve as a Government witness, and that resulted in a jail term for one of these  colleagues.

Their crises were horrifying for me. But when God gives us a crisis, He also grants us an opportunity. And so it was with me. I began to inspect my own life pretty thoroughly, and I saw that I had fallen far from grace. I was forced to acknowledge that I was not simply a person who gave into sin every now and again.  I had become a profoundly sinful person. I no longer knew what I believed or who I believed in. But I knew my life was shattering into a million jagged pieces.

Calling a Colleague

Then, and only then, did I turn to God.  Feeling quite uncertain, I called a colleague I very much admired who was a member of the Church.  Looking back, I believe that one of the reasons I called him – rather than dialing a Catholic priest  — had a lot to do with who he was as a person, but it also had a bit to do with Gordon B. Hinckley. Let me digress to explain:  several years earlier, during the Salt Lake Olympics, I was on a night flight overseas, and I picked up a news magazine that had the Olympics splashed across its front pages.

My husband will tell you I am no fan of the Olympics, but I was prompted to pick up the magazine for some reason and read a story about the Mormons.  I’m sure it explained Mormon doctrine, but the only thing I really remember is that the President of the church, this fellow Gordon B. Hinckley, was asked why so many people were turning to the LDS faith after 9/11, and President Hinckley said it was because they were looking for something “solid, strong, and true.” I’m not quite sure why those three words made such an impression on me back then, but I wrote them down on a scrap of paper and stuffed them into my wallet, where they remained in 2006.

So in 2006, in a state of crisis, I reached out to my Mormon colleague. His response to me consisted of two simple messages:  first, he told me that my Heavenly Father knows me by name and loves me for who I am.  And second, he told me that Heavenly Father has a plan for my success – but not success as I had come to define it. The next day he sent me hand-drawn directions to the DC Temple Visitors Center.

I share this with you because he did not teach me the gospel, he didn’t explain what Mormons believe, he didn’t ask a single question of me.  Instead, he gave me two clear messages about Heavenly Father’s love for me, and he drew me a map.  Looking back on it, I’d say those were pretty much the only things I needed to take on this journey.

Missionary Visit

Soon after I went to the Visitor’s Center, two missionaries visited my home.  Several people in this room know that the first time Sister McDonald and Sister Clark landed on my doorstep, I was mortified.  They were so young and innocent I had no idea how I would explain my troubled and headstrong life.  I figured they would never be able to relate.  They began our meeting by asking me if they could sing for me.  They sang “I Am a Child of God.” From that moment on I was captivated. It became irrelevant whether they could relate to me.  I began relating to them, and to the profoundly joyful message they shared.

I took lessons throughout the summer and fall of 2006. At first, my husband Bill  had no knowledge of this and I was afraid he and my entire family would think I was crazy if I even mentioned it.  I was running a covert operation. When he finally met the good sisters, he was immediately captivated as well. He is an investigator of this church, and a true friend to every missionary.

The good sisters paired with me several Saints at Annandale Ward who studied with me for the next 6 months. I struggled mightily to accept what they were telling me.  I struggled to believe the Book of Mormon was an authentic testament of Jesus Christ.  I struggled with the seemingly fantastical account of Joseph Smith’s vision. Everyone patiently answered my questions and encouraged me to read and pray and know for myself.  There was no pressure, no coercion, no hard sell.

I cannot tell you for certain the first time I actually came to know that these teachings were true, but I recall one early clear moment that crystallizes so much.  One evening I was hurriedly reading my missionary homework when I was stopped cold by Amulek’s great exhortation on prayer that can be found in Alma 34, and in particular, verse 26:

… “Ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.”

I realized then that Amulek was speaking directly to me, because I was definitely in a wilderness and I definitely needed to pour my heart out.   From that simple passage, I came to know for certain the Book of Mormon was true. I knew it was of God.  My testimony of the Book of Mormon was so strong that my other questions fell away.

If you ever doubt that members and missionaries can change a life, let me offer my testimony.  I could not have made it this far – in fact, I do not believe I could have survived the summer of 2006 — without those young missionaries.  But it was important for me to also learn and fellowship with members. I saw by their example that this was a faith that could be practiced.  It could be lived each day, in the world as it is — in a world of work, commercialism, temptations, and distractions.

Of course a part of the journey I needed to take on my own. That part was repentance. That is the hardest part of the journey, as you know.  It is also a continuing journey. My first prayers as an investigator were awkward and child-like, and began something like this, “Heavenly Father, I know you already know that I’ve made a mess of everything, but let me just tell you about all of it anyway.”  There were times – and there still are – when my prayers amount to pleading for forgiveness, for guidance, and to be restored to a “clean heart and right spirit,” as Psalm 51 describes.

I was baptized in January 2007, supported by my entire family, who were happy that I found peace.  My baptism was joyful and comforting beyond measure.
But conversion is a process. The Bible dictionary tells us that conversion is a conscious acceptance of the will of God.  I also find the secular dictionary definition illuminating:  it tells us that to convert is to change or to turn around. I like to think conversion is not simply about turning your life around but turning toward something more powerful than you – literally, the will of God.

So now let me tell you a little bit of what has happened “AC” – after conversion.

After Conversion

Let me say clearly:  I did not magically change after conversion and baptism.  I still struggle with vanity, pride, and ego.   My conversion was not like the flipping of a miraculous light switch.

In truth, it has been better than that.  For me, conversion has been more like an incandescent light that began slowly, almost imperceptibly, deep within me.  The light gave off warmth, but I had to recognize it. Sometimes that feeling of warmth comes unexpectedly; at other times, it comes when I feel stressed, panicked, uncertain.  I have come to know that this light is the Holy Ghost, and that I must fuel the light with prayer, scripture reading, and obedience.

Fueling that light has not been easy, however.  A central irony of my life, brothers and sisters, is that my post-conversion years have been the least successful chapter of my life thus far, if you judge only by conventional measures. Ironically, when I was living a faithless life, I was immensely successful – at the top of my professional game, with more friends and associates than hours in a day.

That changed abruptly.  A new leadership team came into power at CIA in late 2006, and my tenure came to an end. Because of my seniority, I had no next job at CIA, so I sat jobless in an isolated office for 5 months, trying to figure out what to do next.

I had to rebuild my life brick by brick, precept by precept – aided by the gospel and a wonderful community of believers and doers.  I found work in two other government agencies – State Department and the mighty US Navy — and started fresh – without credentials, friends, or peers. This experience turned out to be a tremendous blessing.

I also came to realize that Heavenly Father cleared my calendar for another kind of mission:  His work. Heavenly Father needed to get my attention by silencing some of the noise in my life, so that I could finally hearing him calling to me.

I should also share that many colleagues whom I thought to be friends no longer speak with me. Perhaps for some it is because I am no longer in a position of seniority.  But in some cases, I came to understand they were struggling to fathom my conversion to this church.  I can understand this, because I was the most unlikely Mormon in the world—at 10 cups of coffee a day!  I’ve actually heard 3 explanations for my conversion:

  • First, and most obvious, I am having a midlife crisis.
  • Then I heard I ran off with a Mormon guy and he forced me to convert. This will come as news to Bill!
  • A third explanation – and this one is really priceless – is that somehow, back in 2006 when I first began investigating the church, I figured out that Mitt Romney would run for President in 2008, so I became a Mormon as a way to jockey for a key place in his Administration. You can see that people ascribe great predictive powers to me!

So it’s fair to say that a lot of the people around me believe I have LOST IT.

But it is my pleasure, my joy, and my duty to tell them that I HAVE FOUND IT.

So what have I found?

I have found the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  A gospel of pure love and abiding hope.

I have found the blessing, the peace and the safety of the temple.

I have found my place in a vibrant community of believers – brothers and sisters who nurture and inspire me and move me to tears on a regular basis.

I have found that repentance is hard, but it is possible and miraculous.

I have found that when we are serving others, we are healing ourselves.

I have found a living faith that compels more of its members than attendance….a faith that is solid, strong, and true.

It is fair to say that every conversion journey is unique. But for some converts, like me, that journey includes a fair amount of internal churning and turbulence. We do not join the church because the choice is easy or obvious. It is the most important decision we will make, and many, like me, make the decision without family members joining us.  So the decision can be isolating.

Ultimately, I joined the church because I could no longer deny the truth of the restored gospel and I could no longer sustain the dead weight of my old self. In my mind, that is the deepest definition of true conversion:  the undeniable reality that we must abandon the old self and give birth to the new self. And with that birth, most assuredly, comes labor pains.  Those pains are like the process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. That metamorphosis takes place almost invisibly to the human eye, so it can seem quite natural, seamless, and graceful.   But in truth, that process is highly tumultuous. The caterpillar’s structure is basically broken down – reduced only to its basic nutrients — all else is stripped away.  But from that difficult process – and only as a result of that process — a butterfly emerges.

Today I know that the work of the gospel — the goal of aspiring to Christ-like obedience and service — is a work for all of us. We are all called to this life.  A  life of faith, obedience, and service is rarely convenient, however.   But it a life  aglow – literally incandescent – with purpose.

So, my first ascent took me to the top of an organizational chart, and that view was not all that it was cracked up to be.  My second ascent, which has only just begun, gives me an even better view — of eternity. There are no organization charts, offices, or parking spaces with this ascent.  We travel much lighter when we travel with Heavenly Father.

If you are investigating this church, I humbly encourage you to pray to know the truth. Search the scriptures. I bear you my testimony that you will come to know  for yourself.

If you are a member, please take the time to understand, and embrace, the evolving butterflies among you.  The impacts of their metamorphosis may not be fully visible to you, but believe me, they need you.

Now that you know more about me than you wanted to know, it is my turn – as a trained intelligence professional — to ask you:

What is your conversion story?
Have you thought deeply about your own journey of faith?
What do you believe, and why do you believe it?
If you have not yet begun this journey, what are you waiting for?  If you are not turning to the will of God, what are you turning to instead?  If you are not seeking to live eternally with Heavenly Father and your families, what are you seeking instead?  As we account for our days, it really is true that some things are simply more important than others.

Brothers and sisters, my heart is joyful as I declare to you that I know this gospel is true and this church is true. I know our Savior died for me, and his Atonement is powerful enough for all of us.  THIS IS WHY I BELIEVE.

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