Facts supporting the truth of the Book of Mormon

Month: September 2009

How Inspiration Comes

Allan F. Packer, “Finding Strength in Challenging Times” Ensign, May 2009, 18

“While testimonies can come as dramatic manifestations, they usually do not. Sometimes people think they need to have an experience like Joseph Smith’s vision before they gain testimonies. If we have unrealistic expectations of how, when, or where answers come, we risk missing the answers which come as quiet, reassuring feelings and thoughts that most often come after our prayers, while we are doing something else. These answers can be equally convincing and powerful. “Over time we will receive answers and learn how inspiration comes. This is something each person learns for himself.”

The Book of Mormon – made simple

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DET5RdkpHSE[/embedyt]

What Matters Most

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYhDhiojBPA[/embedyt]

Prepared through Adversity for Eternal Life

Henry B. Eyring, “Adversity” Ensign, May 2009, 23

“With all the differences in our lives, we have at least one challenge in common. We all must deal with adversity. . . . It is in the nature of our being human that comfort gives way to distress, periods of good health come to an end, and misfortunes arrive. . . . The arrival of suffering or the loss of material security can bring fear and sometimes even anger. . . . “The very opportunity for us to face adversity and affliction is part of the evidence of [Heavenly Father and the Savior’s] infinite love. God gave us the gift of living in mortality so that we could be prepared to receive the greatest of all the gifts of God, which is eternal life.”

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